Tuesday, January 18, 2011

2011 Spring Encaustic Schedule

 Announcing :January and Febrary Encaustic Workshops and Demos

 Encaustic Basics Workshop
When : Jan 22-23 , 12;00-4:00 each day.
Where: Butterfield Too Encaustic Too Studio, 137 King Street, St. Augustine, FL.
What will it cover?
1)Brief  discussion of the history, nature and safety of u
sing this ancient method of painting and working with beeswax, resin and pigment
2)Demonstrations and examples of basic Encaustic technique, Heat-Apply-Fuse
3)Experiementation and creation of one or more encaustic pieces by participants
4) Demonstrations and examples of special techniques used in mixed media Encaustics including:
    Collage, Transfer, Inlay, Sgrafitto and others.
5) Plenty of time, materials and chances to try all of these techniques
Who will teach it? Encaustic artist, Kate Miller
What should I bring? All materials and equipment will be supplied, participants are encouraged to bring collage materials,(papers, fabrics other absorbant small images, copies of photographs(no resin coated photos) string, thread , dried leaves or flowers, small imbedding objects such as buttons or small pieces of wood.Xeroxed or Laser copied images for transfer, no ink jet.
Cost?  $ 140 tuition plus $20 supply fee
How do I register?  Email me, Kate Miller at katepmiller@gmail.com; www.katepmiller.com; or call
Butterfield Too Encaustic Studio, (904-829-0078)
Limited space, call to reserve.

Encaustic and Alternative Surfaces:
When: January 29-30 12:00-4:00, 12:00-4:00
Where: Butterfield Too Encaustic Studio, Butterfield Too Gallery, 137 King St. , St. Augustine, FL.
What is covered: Breif Basic Encaustic information on the medium, its history, basic applications, safety and technique, followed by an in-depth exploration of approrpiate grounds for Encaustic surfaces.
Included will be exploration of fabric, paper, found surfaces such as old signs or architechtural pieces, plaster* and ceramic bisqueware.
Who will teach: Encaustic Artist, Kate Miller, joined by special arrangement with well known Ceramic Artist, Jerry Peters. Jerry will provide bisque fired ceramic tiles for student use.
What should I bring? All materials and equipment will be supplied. Students are to bring found absorbent surfaces, cement, wood or other such as an old wooden sign, the back of an old chair or other furniture, a piece of flat driftwood. Imbedding objects, small objects such as buttons, strings, fabrics, pieces of screen or other texture, shells etc. Very small objects may be imbedded into wax, larger objects may be imbedded into plaster*.
Cost: $140 tuition plus $20 supply fee
How do I register? Email me at katepmiller@gmail.com; www.katepmiller.com or call Butterfield Too Encaustic Studio (904-829-0078)
Call soon and leave a $10 deposit to hold your spot, space is limited.

Saturday or Sunday only Half Workshop- 
Saturday only , Jan 22 12:00-400 History, Safety, Grounds, Medium and Basic application of the medium
$75 for Saturday only if space allows.
Sunday only Jan 30, for workshop participants who have completed a basic workshop.
Alternative surface exploration including ceramic bisqueware - $75 Sunday only if space allows.

February 5 One Day Encaustic Intensive
When: Feb 5 10:00-4:00 Saturday
Where: Butterfield Too Encaustic Studio, Butterfield Too Art Gallery, 137 King St., St. Augustine, FL.
What will be covered?  History, Safety, Medium, Application of Encaustic on absorbant materials, plus demos and breif instruction and exploration into collage,textural techniques, transfers,inlaid lines and sgrafitto.
Who will teach: Kate Miller, St. Augustine and New York Encaustic and Mixed Media Artist
What should I bring? All equiment and materials supplied .Collage materials such as paper, fabric, string, dried flowers, imbedding objects such as buttons or small pieces of net or screen or copies (no resin coated photos) of photographs or images for collage, xeroxes and/or laser copied imagery for transfer.
Cost: $99 plus $20 supply fee
How do I register: Email me at katepmiller@gmail.com or http://www.katepmiller.com/ or call Butterfield Too Encaustic Studio 904-929-0078 ,leave a $10 deposit to hold your spot space is limited.

Encaustic Basics Workshop

When : Feb12, 13  , 12;00-4:00 each day.
Where: Butterfield Too Encaustic Too Studio, 137 King Street, St. Augustine, FL.
What will it cover?
1)Brief discussion of the history, nature and safety of using this ancient method of painting and working with beeswax, resin and pigment
2)Demonstrations and examples of basic Encaustic technique, Heat-Apply-Fuse
3)Experiementation and creation of one or more encaustic pieces by participants
4) Demonstrations and examples of special techniques used in mixed media Encaustics including:
Collage, Transfer, Inlay, Sgrafitto and others.
 Who will teach it? Encaustic artist, Kate Miller
What should I bring? All materials and equipment will be supplied, participants are encouraged to bring collage materials,(papers, fabrics other absorbant small images, copies of photographs(no resin coated photos) string, thread , dried leaves or flowers, small imbedding objects such as buttons or small pieces of wood.Xeroxed or Laser copied images for transfer, no ink jet.
Cost? $ 140 tuition plus $20 supply fee
How do I register? Email me, Kate Miller at katepmiller@gmail.com; www.katepmiller.com; or call
Butterfield Too Encaustic Studio, 904-829-0078)
Limited space, call to reserve.

Fiber Arts Network   
Encuastic Discussion and Demonstration 
When: February 19
Where: Ponte Vedre Cultural Center

Watch for more information

MOCA Jax Encaustic Workshop(TBA)
Making a Handmade Artist Encaustic Book (TBA)